//----------------------------- // 16.6.2 08/06/22 // bug "%s + %s" for Element + FusionIngradient // creation of static char[] in Compound class //----------------------------- // 16.6.3 08/28/22 // Fixed: bug in CS reaction sum in transmission results summarizing by reaction (KH) //----------------------------- // 16.6.5 08/30/22 // Fixed: bug with opt->ChargeStateOptimimzation in the beam case //----------------------------- // 16.6.6 08/30/22 // ChargeStateOptimimzation revision // //----------------------------- // 16.6.7 08/30/22 // L_Lisework split to L_nuclReglage and L_calcBrhoP // working on monitor graphics scale //----------------------------- // 16.6.8 08/31/22 // Fixed: bug @ reading material MolarMass in LISE old version files (MH) //----------------------------- // 16.6.9 08/31/22 // new commands in FILE menu: menuTransmission_A_Z_q_last_summarized_by_reactions // Make, View, Print //----------------------------- // 16.6.10 08/31/22 // new functions: class_tab_ZAQlast, chargeStateLast //----------------------------- // 16.6.11 08/31/22 // results file from menu FILE got own extensions // // res0 Transmission + Energy, TOF, Energy Loss // res1 Transmission // res2 Energy, TOF, Energy Loss // res3 Transmission A,Z,q-first (summarized by reaction) // res4 Transmission A,Z,q-last (summarized by reaction) //----------------------------- // 16.6.12 09/07/22 // Fixed: bugs in PACE4 and GLOBAL with mapping in Qt63 (mapped(int) --> mappedInt(int)) //----------------------------- // 16.6.13 09/07/22 // table of nuclides, T1/2 and Pn databases were updated based on // G.G.Kiss et al., The Astrophysical Journal, 936:107 (18pp), 2022 September 10 //----------------------------- // 16.6.14 09/08/22 // labels for drift elements (radius), labels correction in the setup optics dialog //----------------------------- // 16.6.15 09/09/22 // MC bug fixed : option of reaction in the middle of target (momentum) (MH) //----------------------------- // 16.6.16 09/09/22 // bug fixed : projectile fragmentation dialog -> Universal parameterization -> write to file //----------------------------- // 16.6.17 09/09/22 // TListWinString widget new functions: setWinText,setWinPlainText,setWinHml //----------------------------- // 16.6.18 09/13/22 // Fixed: possible unit (mm/cm) bug for beam parameters read/write to file (MH) // preventing: setting unit (mm) for optical matrices read/write to file //----------------------------- // 16.6.19 09/13/22 // the beeam energy scanning dialog: eliminating warning message -> call make_satic() //----------------------------- // 16.6.20 09/15/22 // rate&transmission batch file: update of batch_log filename //----------------------------- // 16.6.21 09/16/22 // MC : corrected charge state after reaction //----------------------------- // 16.6.22 09/17/22 // new function "create_iso_tab" //----------------------------- // 16.6.23 09/17/22 // new FRIB rate plots : PAC2 2022 //----------------------------- // 16.6.24 09/19/22 // MC dialog: new option "one fragment of interest" and "one ion of interest" //----------------------------- // 16.6.25 09/19/22 // Fixed CReglage::name(7) -- discovery of isotopes -- request for browser //----------------------------- // 16.6.26 09/19/22 // MC dialog: new option -- work on MakeStatic operations on "one fragment of interest" //----------------------------- // 16.6.27 09/19/22 // d_CN2: new public command "showChargeState" //----------------------------- // 16.6.28 09/19/22 // MC: modifications for the new mci_fragment option //----------------------------- // 16.6.29 09/20/22 // floating menu of left-setup-panel : correction for target case //----------------------------- // 16.6.30 09/20/22 // MC // FragmentModeFlag --> Ca->qQ[qCurrentBlockNumber] = CurrentQ; // !FragmentModeFlag --> CurrentQ = Ca->qQ[qCurrentBlockNumber] //----------------------------- // 16.6.31 09/20/22 // MC // thickness has been corrected for target noequilbrium charge state case //----------------------------- // 16.6.32 09/21/22 // MC - corrections of titles and captions for plotting mci_ion and mci_fragment //----------------------------- // 16.6.33 09/21/22 // Reading file warning if NCALC > 0 for old versions (16.2.27) files PF-convolution, //----------------------------- // 16.6.34 09/21/22 // initialization of opt->SigmaConvolution[] before reading LISE files //----------------------------- // 16.6.35 09/21/22 // BI code modification for axis title strings (" --> ') //----------------------------- // 16.6.36 09/21/22 // BI code corrections for header assignments (TXT,NSCL,ROOT) //----------------------------- // 16.6.37 09/21/22 // BI code modifications for writing LISE MC plots to file (y-inverse) //----------------------------- // 16.6.38 09/21/22 // PlotMC to file : coorrections is axis boundaries //----------------------------- // 16.6.39 09/21/22 // PlotMC -> DRect -> new commands GetXminOrig() and GetXmaxOrig() for axis inverse axis to write to file //----------------------------- // 16.6.40 09/21/22 // update the open MC dialog in the case of configuration change //----------------------------- // 16.6.41 09/22/22 // keep mass table name in lise file and download //----------------------------- // 16.6.42 09/22/22 // modification of keeping mass table name in lise ini file (only if "check default") //----------------------------- // 16.6.43 09/22/22 // modifications in w_Show_calc for mass tables //----------------------------- // 16.6.44 09/22/22 // class s_mass modifications for user_file_name and reading user_me mass table //----------------------------- // 16.6.45 09/22/22 // class s_mass modifications for absent user_me mass table //----------------------------- // 16.6.46 09/23/22 // modification of BI utility //----------------------------- // 16.7.1 09/23/22 // middle version has been changed //----------------------------- // 16.7.2 10/15/22 // ZoomIn & ZoomOut signals from Navigation map //----------------------------- // 16.7.3 10/15/22 // Navigation panel : correction for "aff" rectangle //----------------------------- // 16.7.4 10/15/22 // link for Mauricio Portilo's COSY page //----------------------------- // 16.7.5 10/15/22 // Corrections in result files for summarized by reactions for blocks after faraday cup //----------------------------- // 16.7.6 10/17/22 // Migration to Qt 6.4 //----------------------------- // 16.7.8 10/17/22 // ETACHA - evolution plots //----------------------------- // 16.7.8 10/17/22 // PACE4 correction for QString::number in textstream //----------------------------- // 16.8.1 10/17/22 // middle version has been changed /----------------------------- // 16.8.2 10/20/22 // Fixed: writing oversize comment block to file // buffer size has been doubled. read-write catches of overexceed strings //----------------------------- // 16.8.3 10/20/22 // Update of the comment block in the append procedure //----------------------------- // 16.8.4 10/21/22 // Fixed: bug with double GetHalfLifeForRadiationDecay --> ValueErr GetHalfLifeForRadiationDecay // reason: RadiationCalculator crash //----------------------------- // 16.8.5 10/21/22 // correction in Radiation Calculator with deleting Yacob array. // traps for maximum index (Nrad_direct) //----------------------------- // 16.8.6 10/21/22 // Range 1D-Optimizer : plot subtitles modification //----------------------------- // 16.8.7 10/21/22 // elimination of debug lines in o_PhysPoint.cpp //----------------------------- // 16.8.8 10/21/22 // isomer and any gamma messages for 2D-plots /----------------------------- // 16.8.9 10/22/22 // modifications of the production mechanism dialog for tab order //----------------------------- // 16.8.10 10/31/22 // new default option file FRIB2023.lopt file based on discussions with MH //----------------------------- // 16.9.1 11/01/22 // changing middle version for official release //----------------------------- // 16.9.2 11/02/22 // Fixed: bug in MC dialog with charge state changing (MH) // modification in classes d_CN2_baseT_Dlg, d_CN2_base_Dlg with // new flgaRenew=false for MC case //----------------------------- // 16.9.3 11/02/22 // Fixed: bug in results file with 0-block //----------------------------- // 16.9.4 11/21/22 // RIKEN fission cross-section were included in the package //----------------------------- // 16.9.5 11/21/22 // beta-decay cell rate colors were changed //----------------------------- // 16.9.6 11/23/22 // Fixed: thickness string in the Wedge profile dialog (MH) //----------------------------- // 16.9.7 11/21/22 // Isomer rectangle color changed from black to gray //----------------------------- // 16.9.8 11/29/22 // discovery table has been updated (MT) //----------------------------- // 16.9.9 11/29/22 // replacement of isomer dbf by old Borland version because some destroyed records in version 16.9 //----------------------------- // 16.9.10 // z_iso array is set to '0' before fscanf operation //----------------------------- // 16.9.11 // some isotopes of light elements were moved from unknown state to unbound to show discovery properties //----------------------------- // 16.9.12 // modification of task bar and 1d-plot menu for Brho and Wedge actions //----------------------------- // 16.9.13 // no Brho and Wedge plots in plotOptions dialog, and lise_init, lise option //----------------------------- // 16.9.14 // no scWedge more, scBrho called from left block setup floating menu //----------------------------- // 16.9.15 12/01/22 // Two Brho plots: before and after slits //----------------------------- // 16.9.16 12/01/22 // Optics fit in the task bar //----------------------------- // 16.9.17 12/02/22 // The Optics fit dialog : 4 QListWidgets (disabled blocks as well) //----------------------------- // 16.9.18 12/02/22 // The Optics fit dialog : mouse clicks on QListWidgets for editing or activate/disactivate //----------------------------- // 16.9.19 12/03/22 // The Optics fit dialog : chi2 value line, re-organization of dialog //----------------------------- // 16.9.20 12/03/22 // modifications in OpticMatrixBaseWidget to avoid problemwith cosy-signal from d_Fit dialog // new flag for OpticMatrixBaseWidget(this,im, false); //----------------------------- // 16.9.21 12/03/22 // void OpticMatrixBaseWidget::makeBottomLayout() --> bottomLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); // without parent to avoid message "QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to QGroupBox , which already has a layout" //----------------------------- // 16.9.22 12/03/22 // new flag like in 16.9.20 // for TMatrixSingleDlg, TMatrixSingleBeamDlg, TWienMatrixDlg //----------------------------- // 16.9.23 12/04/22 // working on effective length of quad neigbohrs. Issue was with Fit_block //----------------------------- // 16.9.24 12/04/22 // protected: LengthEff instead public : Leff //----------------------------- // 16.9.25 12/05/22 // B_Drift : new parameters dLength_left, dLength_right //----------------------------- // 16.9.26 12/05/22 // new file B_Drift.h //----------------------------- // 16.9.27 12/05/22 // Global Revision of BLOCK_Drift::checkLengthEff() //----------------------------- // 16.9.28 12/05/22 // B_Drift : new parameter Leff_manual for manual mode //----------------------------- // 16.9.29 12/05/22 // revision : config_file, d_Multi, d_EQuad // effective quad lengths - completed! // effective length can be larger and smaller than block length //----------------------------- // 16.9.30 12/06/22 // BLOCK calibration file: comment lines are possible! //----------------------------- // 16.9.31 12/07/22 // BLOCK calibration file: can use 4 columns //----------------------------- // 16.9.32 12/07/22 // new class "BO_calibration" //----------------------------- // 16.9.33 12/07/22 // global revision for optical block calibration //----------------------------- // 16.9.34 12/08/22 // CosyFile from char* to QString //----------------------------- // 16.9.35 12/08/22 // Dialog d_Multipole modified for new calibration approach //----------------------------- // 16.9.36 12/08/22 // d_BlockCalibration modified to support Dipole (option=0) and Quads(option=1) //----------------------------- // 16.9.37 12/12/22 // Quad.calibr connected to Leff value //----------------------------- // 16.9.38 12/12/22 // Quad dialog - eff.length string modified //----------------------------- // 16.9.39 12/12/22 // Mat thick dialog update the help button "Length in optics" //----------------------------- // 16.9.40 12/12/22 // Mat thick dialog update the button "calculate thickness" //----------------------------- // 16.9.41 12/12/22 // Quad dialog: calibration filename -- short version //----------------------------- // 16.10.1 12/12/22 // middle version has been changed //----------------------------- // 16.10.2 01/04/23 // the isotope extended dialog : bug correction for SpontFission cell //----------------------------- // 16.10.3 01/04/23 // Table of nuclides and T1/2 database have been updated on MT2022 new isotopes report //----------------------------- // 16.10.4 01/06/23 // Range 1D-optimizer: x-axis correction for dimension //----------------------------- // 16.10.5 01/06/23 // d_BeamDump construction has been started //----------------------------- // 16.10.6 01/11/23 // ReactioninMaterials (RiM): moving from QList to std library //----------------------------- // 16.10.7 01/11/23 // Fixing all issues with RiM calculations //----------------------------- // 16.10.8 01/11/23 // dialog RiM statistics: modified //----------------------------- // 16.10.9 01/11/23 // Modification of calibration reading procedure to skip short lines (size<3) //----------------------------- // 16.10.10 01/11/23 // Spectrometer scheme : left mouse button - block edit, right button - acceptance //----------------------------- // 16.11.1 01/12/23 // middle version changes //----------------------------- // 16.11.2 01/15/23 // crash in Radiation Calculator // issue in GetHalfLifeForRadiationDecay -> min ValueErr //----------------------------- // 16.11.4 01/18/23 // correction in SElement : use for min separation energy only enable channels //----------------------------- // 16.11.5 01/19/23 //Fixed: bug in atima for energy loss higher than 110 -- crush // precalculated_lindhard, precalculated_lindhard_X //----------------------------- // 16.11.6 01/19/23 //Fixed: bug in atima for energy loss higher than 110 -- crush //void global_eqdist(int zp,double ein,int zt,double *f){ //----------------------------- // 16.11.7 01/19/23 // new class TSecTarDebugDlg to plot statistics during calculations // modification in TSeccondaryTargetDlg // modification in s_ST_option to add showDebug value //----------------------------- // 16.11.8 01/19/23 // class TSecTarDebugDlg connection to CalcArea and CalcAll // ST_option->showDebug to start //----------------------------- // 16.11.9 01/19/23 // dialog SecTarDebugDlg shifted with new command in class //----------------------------- // 16.11.10 01/19/23 // modification due to reaction in materials in void Ccalc::CalcPowerDeposition(double CS_NAG) //----------------------------- // 16.11.11 01/19/23 // modification due to energy loss in void Ccalc::CalcPowerDeposition(double CS_NAG) //----------------------------- // 16.11.12 01/21/23 // modification due to reaction loss in materials in void Ccalc::CalcPowerDeposition(double CS_NAG) // Power Deposition can be used now for fragments produced in materials //----------------------------- // 16.11.13 01/21/23 // implementation of ARIS calibration files, // an extended files with block names and calibrations //----------------------------- // 16.11.14 01/22/23 // Change default settings for Quad bounds, FPinM. // COSY-disactivated message in Optics fit dialog //----------------------------- // 16.11.15 02/08/23 // new options ShowDrift and PermitShowDrift // for left setup panel, menu, MC_dialog //----------------------------- // 16.11.16 02/08/23 // Gauge at creation of blocks, if block number > 50 //----------------------------- // 16.11.17 02/10/23 // ARIS dipole calibrations //----------------------------- // 16.11.18 02/10/23 // Gradient fields in the Multipole dialog //----------------------------- // 16.11.19 02/10/23 // Buttons "set" for Gradient and Current fields in the Multipole dialog //----------------------------- // 16.11.20 02/18/23 // Quad eff length calculation in optics minimization //----------------------------- // 16.11.21 02/18/23 // no more global recosntruction of left setup panel after edit,insert,delete // operations in d_Setup and d_Setup_optics dialogs //----------------------------- // 16.11.22 02/18/23 // CmRefresh blocks instead CmRenew block in d_Setup_optics dialogs //----------------------------- // 16.11.23 03/15/23 // Mutlipole : actions -- skeleton //----------------------------- // 16.11.24 03/15/23 // Load ARIS settings : skeleton //----------------------------- // 16.11.25 03/15/23 // Update: FRIB calibration files //----------------------------- // 16.11.26 03/20/23 // download calibr files in append process //----------------------------- // 16.11.27 03/20/23 // new ARIS e-files //----------------------------- // 16.12.1 03/20/23 // middle version was changed for qualitative file updates //----------------------------- // 16.12.2 03/21/23 // new ARIS e-files k1-CB1 //----------------------------- // 16.12.3 03/21/23 // new ARIS e-files --- folders eARIS/PS & eARIS/CB //----------------------------- // 16.12.4 03/22/23 // ARIS e-files correction // rotation angles next modification //----------------------------- // 16.12.5 03/22/23 // Block Debug Info -- implementation of angle ranges //----------------------------- // 16.12.6 03/22/23 // Menu choice correction for no-drift-show case //----------------------------- // 16.12.7 03/23/23 // new flag in taulise_optic -> CibleOutOfGate //----------------------------- // 16.12.8 03/23/23 // optics fit : quad value dif in % //----------------------------- // 16.12.9 03/24/23 // optics menu -> different modes to plot optics //----------------------------- // 16.12.10 03/24/23 // Update optics plot utility //----------------------------- // 16.12.11 03/24/23 // button "Copy quad fields to Init" in d_Optics_fit //----------------------------- // 16.12.12 03/24/23 // button "Copy quad fields to Init" in d_MatrixEnvelope //----------------------------- // 16.12.13 03/24/23 // opt->Plot_XY_orientation in d_Plot_Options for Envelope plot //----------------------------- // 16.12.14 03/24/23 // commented RecalculateGOM() for opt->AngStraggling in L_Trans //----------------------------- // 16.12.15 03/24/23 // Fixed : crash at the chord calculation in Fireball //----------------------------- // 16.13.1 03/26/23 // middle version has been changed cause of important modification in transmission //----------------------------- // 16.14.1 04/04/23 // Qt v.6.5 compilation //----------------------------- // 16.14.2 04/20/23 // working o n d_NewVersion dialog //----------------------------- // 16.14.3 04/21/23 // development of the ARIS saveset dialog //----------------------------- // 16.14.4 04/21/23 // modifications in d_Dipole_base for I-current input value //----------------------------- // 16.14.5 04/21/23 // class BLOCK : new radius parameters and values //----------------------------- // 16.14.6 04/21/23 // new ARIS dipole calibrations //----------------------------- // 16.14.7 04/22/23 // L_InitOpt modifications for ARIS_PT_flags //----------------------------- // 16.14.8 04/22/23 // working on the ARIS saveset dialog //----------------------------- // 16.14.9 04/22/23 // completion of the ARIS saveset dialog //----------------------------- // 16.14.10 04/23/23 // d_Block_base : CheckCalibrationFile in pB_Calibration_clicked //----------------------------- // 16.14.11 04/23/23 // e_ARIS configurations update for FSD2_SCD3 calibration //----------------------------- // 16.14.12 04/23/23 // Eff.Radius in the Dipole dialog //----------------------------- // 16.14.13 04/23/23 // update mainwindow_init.files //----------------------------- // 16.14.14 04/22/23 // corrections in the ARIS saveset dialog //----------------------------- // 16.14.15 04/24/23 // d_New_Version dialog is completed. Libraries //----------------------------- // 16.14.16 04/24/23 // modifications for LISE assistance team in About dialog //----------------------------- // 16.14.17 04/26/23 // menu: Experimental Settings -> Optics -> calculate matrix between two selected blocks //----------------------------- // 16.14.18 04/26/23 // modification of RecalculateGOM for BLOCKlast //----------------------------- // 16.14.19 04/26/23 // new subroutine void* BLOCK::CurrentMatrixFeature() //----------------------------- // 16.14.20 04/26/23 // New utility (matrix between two blocks) Update for caption and description //----------------------------- // 16.14.21 04/28/23 // PACE4 correction for ARATIO (Heiko, ANL) //----------------------------- // 16.14.22 04/28/23 // Preparation of reaction place option in MC //----------------------------- // 16.14.23 04/28/23 // Completed: reaction place option in MC //----------------------------- // 16.14.24 04/28/23 // 3D-Graph : new button "Write data to file" //----------------------------- // 16.14.25 04/29/23 // new dialog d_opticsPrintOptions to use in MainWidows_optics //----------------------------- // 16.14.26 04/29/23 // Modifications of CmQuadExport for delimeters and other output options //----------------------------- // 16.14.27 04/29/23 // Corrections in reaction place option in MC //----------------------------- // 16.14.28 04/29/23 // Corrections in MC for target&stripper reaction probabilty (target_prob) //----------------------------- // 16.14.29 04/29/23 // New probabilty distribution function MakeProbabilityDistributionInt_X2 //----------------------------- // 16.14.30 05/14/23 // Options to load dipole values with ARIS saveset reading //----------------------------- // 16.14.31 05/14/23 // Dipole calibration: if nCols==4, then col[2] (Brho) = col[1](B) * col[3](R) //----------------------------- // 16.14.32 05/14/23 // Quadrupole field strength plot : shifts were increased to 0.1 //----------------------------- // 16.14.33 05/15/23 // PACE4 update //----------------------------- // 16.14.34 05/15/23 // attept to correct writing to root format spectra // instead ROOT -- 3 columns format //----------------------------- // 16.14.35 05/15/23 // Udpate of d_Options dialog layout //----------------------------- // 16.14.36 05/15/23 // Fixed: bug with database structure arrow button. //----------------------------- // 16.14.37 05/16/23 // Modification of BI-headers //----------------------------- // 16.14.38 05/17/23 // Write spectrum ROOT files //----------------------------- // 16.14.39 05/17/23 // skip drift info to write in file in the case of non-quad //----------------------------- // 16.14.40 05/17/23 // skip zero row in writing 2nd order matrix //----------------------------- // 16.14.41 05/17/23 // Drift class: new parameter linkTo //----------------------------- // 16.14.42 05/17/23 // Modification of c_config and d_Multipole for drift::linkTo //----------------------------- // 16.14.43 05/17/23 // Modification of d_SetupOptics and Mainwindow_optics to show quad links //----------------------------- // 16.14.44 05/18/23 // Modification in Global code (MH) //----------------------------- // 16.14.45 05/18/23 // New ARIS eFiles: eL_ARIS_v2 and eL_ARIS_v2_orig //----------------------------- // 16.14.46 05/18/23 // correction in d_Multipoles with initializaton //----------------------------- // 16.15.1 05/18/23 // Middle version has been changed //----------------------------- // 16.15.2 05/18/23 // Update of p_Block_Drift for linked Brho //----------------------------- // 16.15.3 05/19/23 // eL_ARIS_v3 : corrections for C-Bend dipole maps //----------------------------- // 16.15.4 05/22/23 // Comparison_of_Quadrupole_field_settings //----------------------------- // 16.15.5 05/22/23 // SpeedBall timer start and stop functions after Sasha performance analysis //----------------------------- // 16.15.6 05/24/23 // renames B0_prev --> B0_scratch //----------------------------- // 16.15.7 05/25/23 // working on Comparison_of_Quadrupole_field_settings //----------------------------- // 16.15.8 05/25/23 // New LISE code palette for different Windows color scheme from Daniel K. //----------------------------- // 16.15.9 05/25/23 // Completed: Comparison_of_Quadrupole_field_settings //----------------------------- // 16.15.10 05/25/23 // Modified : New LISE code palette : OT //----------------------------- // 16.15.11 05/26/23 // Modified : New LISE code palette -- DAK, then OT //----------------------------- // 16.15.12 05/26/23 // eL_ARIS_v3.lpp modified (see notes in file) //----------------------------- // 16.15.13 05/28/23 // LISEpackage @ github //----------------------------- // 16.15.14 06/18/23 // New Plot2 : X vs. A/q //----------------------------- // 16.15.15 06/18/23 // Fixed: bug - writing a low intensity value in pps format (<1e10) with kill_zero //----------------------------- // 16.15.16 06/19/23 // optimization of get_direction_array based on Sasha's profiler analysis //----------------------------- // 16.15.17 06/20/23 // Correction in energy straggling in Stripper -- RIKEN's request // Correction in lateral straggling in Target and Stripper //----------------------------- // 16.15.18 06/21/23 --- DAK // Converted the lise2016.dbf and isomer.dbf files to .accdb files // Added missing Cascading Isomer levels // d_Database.cpp now uses sql to access the AME data // d_Database_isomer.cpp now uses sql to access the isomer data // add the file Dak_dbstat.cpp which creates the structure text for both the AME and Isomer data //----------------------------- // 16.15.19 06/25/23 // just commenting debug lines, formatting //----------------------------- // 16.15.20 06/26/23 // Excitation energy: log-normal distribution -> preparation //----------------------------- // 16.15.21 06/29/23 // small modifications with stle and formattind db_stat //----------------------------- // 16.15.22 06/29/23 // Excitation energy: log-normal distribution -> continue - Fireball, Dialog //----------------------------- // 16.15.23 06/29/23 // Excitation energy: log-normal distribution -> completed - plots //----------------------------- // 16.15.24 06/29/23 // Excitation energy plots: revisions of subtitiles //----------------------------- // 16.15.25 06/29/23 // Two bugs fixed after Sasha's MSVC run //----------------------------- // 16.15.26 07/01/23 // compile with MSVC //----------------------------- // 16.15.27 07/01/23 // working on warnings //----------------------------- // 16.15.28 07/01/23 // moving SCelement class to o_Element.h //----------------------------- // 16.15.29 07/02/23 // correction in d_Apf_excitation for LogNormal EEmethod //----------------------------- // 16.15.30 07/02/23 // splitting FillTitlePlotEvaporation to * and FillTitlePlotApf //----------------------------- // 16.15.31 07/02/23 // update o_Fireball for EE = LogNormal // update o_AA to use EE = LogNormal //----------------------------- // 16.15.32 07/02/23 // update d_Data_fitMinimization for EE-model info //----------------------------- // 16.15.33 07/02/23 // s_range : from float to double to avoid warning with MSVC //----------------------------- // 16.15.34 07/03/23 // d_Data_fitMinimization splitted //----------------------------- // 16.15.35 07/03/23 // Global update of d_Data_fitMinimization to use EE_method 3 & 4 //----------------------------- // 16.15.36 07/05/23 // moving to GetFromDatabaseDAK //----------------------------- // 16.15.37 07/06/23 // global revision of DB : part 1 (not completed) //----------------------------- // 16.15.38 07/07/23 // global revision of DB : part 2 (not completed) //----------------------------- // 16.15.39 07/08/23 // global revision of DB : part 3 (not completed) //----------------------------- // 16.15.40 07/09/23 // Database AME completed //----------------------------- // 16.15.41 07/09/23 // Database Isomer dialog update (still under revision) //----------------------------- // 16.15.42 07/10/23 // migration to sqlite // package: ESF Database Migration Toolkit - Pro //----------------------------- // 16.15.43 07/10/23 // editing sqlite // package: SQLiteStudio 3.4.4 //----------------------------- // 16.15.44 07/11/23 // adapting Isomer_DB.sqlite : dialog fully completed! //----------------------------- // 16.15.45 07/11/23 // adapting AME_DB.sqlite : dialog fully completed! //----------------------------- // 16.15.46 07/11/23 // AME_DB dialog: colors for messages // Isom_DB dialog sorting: TGauge //----------------------------- // 16.15.47 07/11/23 // Isom_DB dialog: new buttons --> NNDC, Fields check //----------------------------- // 16.15.48 07/11/23 // Isom_DB database -- revision 28 wrong isomers have been erased // around 20 lines have been changed //----------------------------- // 16.15.49 07/11/23 // Isom_DB database -- correction in database structure // + wrong 16F --> correct 16N //----------------------------- // 16.15.50 07/11/23 // Isom_DB database -- correction in Add_record //----------------------------- // 16.15.51 07/11/23 // settings new thresholds to show isomers in the table of nuclides //----------------------------- // 16.15.52 07/12/23 // update of Cisomer class for sqlite approach //----------------------------- // 16.15.53 07/12/23 // no more s_DBI isom (dbf) //----------------------------- // 16.15.54 07/12/23 // no more s_DBF AME (dbf) //----------------------------- // 16.15.55 07/13/23 // update of o_mass class for sqlite approach //----------------------------- // 16.15.56 07/13/23 // not anymore >> IsomerDatabaseFile, UserDBFFile //----------------------------- // 16.15.57 07/13/23 // not anymore L_Dbf in project // not anymore *.dbf in project // new folder z_Database //----------------------------- // 16.15.58 07/13/23 // Init_dir: update for sqlite databases //----------------------------- // 16.15.59 07/13/23 // revision of W_Show_Calc for sqlite databases //----------------------------- // 16.15.60 07/13/23 // new function QString currentMassModel() // it is used in W_ShowCalc, W_GraphQg, Qgg //----------------------------- // 16.15.61 07/14/23 // Data_fitMinimization dialog update for Tlim //----------------------------- // 16.15.62 07/14/23 // Data_fitMinimization: correction in CalcVariables //----------------------------- // 16.15.63 07/14/23 // AA_compare : update for BreakupTemperature //----------------------------- // 16.15.64 07/14/23 // Data_fitMinimization splitted //----------------------------- // 16.15.65 07/14/23 // Data_fitMinimization: intermediate results window //----------------------------- // 16.15.66 07/15/23 // small tuning //----------------------------- // 16.16.1 07/15/23 // middle version has been changed //----------------------------- // 16.16.2 07/15/23 // Fit options: negative value for delta //----------------------------- // 16.16.3 07/18/23 // new configuration eL_ARIS_v5.lpp //----------------------------- // 16.16.4 07/18/23 // Isomer_DB.sqlite update by DK //----------------------------- // 16.16.5 07/19/23 // Implementation of 2nd order parameters to LogNormal ExitationEnergy distribution //----------------------------- // 16.16.6 07/19/23 // Implementation of "int directionCurrent" in class "distribution" for optimization // based on Sasha's analysis //----------------------------- // 16.16.7 07/20/23 // Bug fixed in GetFromDatabase in the case of value = "*" //----------------------------- // 16.16.8 07/20/23 // Modification in d_Apf_excitation for second order polynomial at LogNormal EE //----------------------------- // 16.16.9 07/21/23 // Modification of LN_EE for d_Abr <=1 n FireBall, go to MeanTemperature //----------------------------- // 16.16.10 07/21/23 // Modification of D_Minimization for second order LN_EE //----------------------------- // 16.16.11 07/23/23 DAK // Update of the Isomer database //----------------------------- // 16.16.12 07/24/23 // Addition of the Methods dialog to 2D-plots //----------------------------- // 16.16.13 07/24/23 // Implementation of Block_draw option in c_Plot class //----------------------------- // 16.16.14 07/25/23 // PACE4 - migrating to sqlite format //----------------------------- // 16.16.15 07/31/23 // optimization of get_i_xmin & get_i_xmax based on Sasha's analysis //----------------------------- // 16.16.16 07/31/23 // optimization of inter2 based on Sasha's analysis //----------------------------- // 16.16.17 07/31/23 // Cosmetic update of d_Data_Minimization //----------------------------- // 16.16.18 07/31/23 // no drift and fit blocks for block selection in wedge profile and kicker dialogs //----------------------------- // 16.16.19 08/01/23 // Bug correction in AbraAbla::Calculate //----------------------------- // 16.16.20 08/01/23 // minimum size hints for Apf_Excitation, Apf & Evaporation //----------------------------- // 16.16.21 08/02/23 // increasing precision for excitation energy parameters to display and save //----------------------------- // 16.16.22 08/03/23 // d_Data_minimizationFit : implementation dR_auto group box for minimization //----------------------------- // 16.16.23 08/03/23 // AA_compare modification for dR auto parameters //----------------------------- // 16.16.24 08/03/23 // d_Data_minimizationFit: correction for printing final values //----------------------------- // 16.16.25 08/03/23 // Big fixed with opening non-existent COSYfile from Matrix dialog //----------------------------- // 16.16.26 08/05/23 // gloRange optimization with new function double polynom() based on Sasha's results // bipoco1s optimization with new function double polynom() //----------------------------- // 16.16.27 08/05/23 // new default parameters for dR_auto //----------------------------- // 16.16.28 08/05/23 // d_Data_minimizationFit update: no AA gauge, Graph dim25 scale //----------------------------- // 16.16.29 08/08/23 // TransPrev/All -> ActivateTable after 30events //----------------------------- // 16.16.30 08/10/23 // new default parameters for dR_auto y = 4.398E-02x2 - 1.107E-01x + 5.142E+00 //----------------------------- // 16.16.31 08/11/23 // new link on FRIB beam List //----------------------------- // 16.16.32 08/11/23 // Exponent Tmean EE: two new parameters G_MeanTN & G_MeanTZ //----------------------------- // 16.16.33 08/11/23 // Exponent Tmean EE: d_Apf_excitation //----------------------------- // 16.16.34 08/12/23 // Exponent Tmean EE: d_Dat_minimizationFit //----------------------------- // 16.16.35 08/12/23 // d_Apf: low threshold for even gap is -10 //----------------------------- // 16.16.36 08/16/23 // Bugs fixed in Gemini and PACE4 //----------------------------- // 16.16.37 08/16/23 // compilation MinGW and MSVC version 6.5.2 //----------------------------- // 16.16.38 08/17/23 // L_Distribution: implementation new functions add, input, mult noClear() // to improve speed based on Sasha's analysis //----------------------------- // 16.16.39 08/17/23 // L_Distribution: modification of some functions to const //----------------------------- // 16.16.40 08/17/23 // implementation of delta for acceleration of ShellCorrect //----------------------------- // 16.16.41 08/17/23 // Shell correction masstable in mass class // update of DeltaShellCorrect() for Shell correction masstable //----------------------------- // 16.16.42 08/18/23 // global variable bool DoublePrecision for long_double test // important for long double myexpl() //----------------------------- // 16.16.43 08/18/23 // new class "tripleValue" to operate with large-scale numbers // important for factorials //----------------------------- // 16.17.1 08/17/23 // middle version has been changed //----------------------------- // 16.17.2 08/18/23 // Factorial calculations were turned to work with class "tripleValue" // MSVC issue with "long_double=double" has been solved for mexpl and factorial //----------------------------- // 16.17.3 08/20/23 // d_Pickup update for tripleValue //----------------------------- // 16.17.4 08/21/23 // ExcitationEnergy_Exponent modification for dA=50, then just simple shift //----------------------------- // 16.17.5 08/21/23 // TAbrasionFissionDlg::CmPlot() : bug fixed for char str[200] //----------------------------- // 16.17.6 08/21/23 // label in ShowSetup is updated for MSVC info //----------------------------- // 16.17.7 08/21/23 // Global revision of char str[] (or substituion by QString) //----------------------------- // 16.17.8 08/21/23 // Corrections of paths in TPickupDlg //----------------------------- // 16.17.9 08/21/23 // TPickupDlg : implementation of new parameters - useDifusion, plot only probability // global revision of TPickupDlg //----------------------------- // 16.17.10 08/23/23 // Bug fixed: MonteCarlo dialog, option: One Fragment of Interest (MH) //----------------------------- // 16.17.11 08/24/23 // new dialog T_AdjustSlitsDlg development started //----------------------------- // 16.17.12 08/24/23 // p_Block.h some functions are constant //----------------------------- // 16.17.13 08/24/23 // GetDeltaOddEven -- optimization for A_density //----------------------------- // 16.17.14 08/24/23 // o_Element : new functions odd-even, some functions became const //----------------------------- // 16.17.15 08/24/23 // T_AdjustSlitsDlg in progress //----------------------------- // 16.17.16 08/27/23 // T_AdjustSlitsDlg almost done. Benchmarks phase //----------------------------- // 16.17.17 08/28/23 // T_AdjustSlitsDlg : new functon bool checkList() //----------------------------- // 16.17.18 08/28/23 // T_AdjustSlitsDlg : options to calculate downstream and all blocks //----------------------------- // 16.17.19 08/28/23 // p_Block.h --> moving to const function //----------------------------- // 16.17.20 08/28/23 // T_AdjustSlitsDlg : clear previuos calcualtions if slits adjusted //----------------------------- // 16.17.21 08/28/23 // LISE menu corrections + some minors //----------------------------- // 16.17.22 08/28/23 // working on elimination of new char[] // new strSize4000 //----------------------------- // 16.17.23 08/29/23 // Speed optimization in // TCreateBlock (with Gauge), inter2_new for x0&xN, AA:Calcualte for coef_increase //----------------------------- // 16.17.24 08/29/23 DAK // merged with the macOS branch //----------------------------- // 16.17.25 08/29/23 // some "unexplained" cap in void TShowBlock::MyPaint() //----------------------------- // 16.17.26 08/30/23 // additional cap in void TShowSetup2::createBlocks() //----------------------------- // 16.17.27 09/05/23 // Modifications in d_Options dialog for Cuts groupbox //----------------------------- // 16.17.28 09/11/23 // "Modifications in d_Options dialog for Cuts groupbox "moderate" cut corrections is default //----------------------------- // 16.17.29 09/12/23 // recompillation. Error in project file cause of macOS implementation //----------------------------- // 16.18.1 09/12/23 // middle version changed //----------------------------- // 16.18.2 10/09/23 // Al-7075, ALCA5, Scintillator - EJ-232, have been added to compound file //----------------------------- // 16.18.3 10/17/23 // update of bool Creglage::TestFull(Creglage *Ce, int NQ) to work properly with AdjustSlits //----------------------------- // 16.18.4 10/17/23 // modification of AdjustSlits for different charge state combination //----------------------------- // 16.18.5 10/18/23 // Pffaf --> Pfaff //----------------------------- // 16.18.6 10/30/23 // spelling calcual -> calcula //----------------------------- // 16.18.7 10/30/23 // Sound works! (AT) //----------------------------- // 16.18.8 10/30/23 // correction for too thick target message in the case Brho1=0 //----------------------------- // 16.18.9 10/30/23 // overtureshort.wav for CalcAll // bool MyPlaySound(..) includes volume //----------------------------- // 16.18.10 10/30/23 // sound is 1 by default // new sounds at InitFN //----------------------------- // 16.18.11 10/31/23 // link on youtube "How to make rare isotope beams" //----------------------------- // 16.18.12 10/31/23 // Isomer database update (DK) //----------------------------- // 16.18.13 11/01/23 // Automatic left setup panel scrolling with mouse movement in // the Spectrometer scheme window over blocks //----------------------------- // 16.18.14 11/03/23 // warning for million links for reaction in materials //----------------------------- // 16.18.15 11/03/23 // no contribution for Deposition in targets from reaction in materials //----------------------------- // 16.18.16 11/03/23 // no rate leaks information for target and stripper //----------------------------- // 16.18.17 11/04/23 // update lise, config, option files for ARIS //----------------------------- // 16.18.18 11/04/23 // dialog About update //----------------------------- // 16.18.19 11/06/23 // GLOBAL --> 4.6.22 11/06/23 bug correction with sign of a3 in FCORR //----------------------------- // 16.18.20 11/06/23 // welcome.wav has been updated for Sasha's file //----------------------------- // 16.18.21 11/08/23 // examples/GSI_SFRS --> examples/GSI. FRS_214Pb.lpp has been implemented //----------------------------- // 16.18.22 11/09/23 // new sound files //----------------------------- // 17.0.0 11/11/23 // new global official version //----------------------------- // 17.0.1 01/12/24 // Typos correction from Kenny //----------------------------- // 17.0.2 01/26/24 // LISE tutorial version 2 //----------------------------- // 17.0.3 01/31/24 // correction in BI-code (bug fixed with output file) //----------------------------- // 17.0.4 02/05/24 // update of eC_ARIS_k3cb2.lpp for official names //----------------------------- // 17.0.5 02/09/24 // isomer DB has been updted by DK for Kameda PRC paper //----------------------------- // 17.0.6 02/09/24 // bug with mass excess cells in Kinematics Calculator //----------------------------- // 17.0.7 02/09/24 // extern W_ME was modified everywhere for DefaultMassOption //----------------------------- // 17.0.8 02/09/24 // new isotope discovery 2023 were updated //----------------------------- // 17.1.0 02/09/24 // middle version has been changed