The opportunity of using the LISE++ computing package by other programs has appeared with implementation of dynamical libraries (LISE_atima.dll, LISE_Global.dll, LISE_loss.dll, and others) in the package. Some subroutines were moved from the LISE.exe main module to separate libraries (*.DLL), and can be executed from these libraries by other programs. The modules of calculation of energy losses in matter, range in materials, straggling of range and energy losses, and also empirical parameterizations of cross sections (EPAX 2.15, EPAX 3.01) are available to be used for calculations in MS Excel through the LISE_excel64.dll library. It is necessary to notice, that such opportunity exists only for the versions of the program LISE++ installed in a standard way, instead of taken from the "open version" directory. The lise64.xlsm is located in the LISE++ root directory, and its icon is available from the LISE++ folder (see Fig.1, left panel). Alternatively it is possible to run LISE64.xlsm from the LISE++ code menu (see Fig.1, right panel).

Fig.1. Access to lise64.xlsm file.
LISE.xlsm file contains macros, so after file loading, it is necessary to permit to use built-in macros if you want to use the LISE++ libraries. Connections to the libraries is realized via MS Visual Basic. LISE.xlsm is password protected file in order to avoid possible conflicts after future LISE++ libraries update. Fragment of "Base" sheet of LISE.xlsm is shown in Fig.2. In this sheet the user may vary beam and target properties cells that initiate recalculation of the entire sheet.

Fig.2. "Base" sheet of LISE.xlsm file.
Due to LISE.xlsm protection in order to use LISE++ functions in Excel in own way it is necessary to use a new Excel file, LISE.XLSM should be already open in Excel. Then the user should execute the Excel command "Insert function" (shift F3), and choose a function from the "User defined" category: for example “lise.xls!EnergyLossInMatter” (see Fig.3). The list of available LISE.xlsm functions is given in Fig.4.

Fig.3. How to insert LISE++ function.
Comparing to the LISE++ code, LISE for Excel does not support compound materials as input, and the next example shows how to overcome it.
Use this example to find out how call LISE++ functions and create your own modules.

Fig.4. List of LISE.xlsm functions (Click to zoom).
"PID (Particle Identification) resolution calculator" |
The new sheet "PID resolution calculator" allows to estimate resolution of ion identification values as Z,q,A,A/q and others in the case of regular in-flight separation technique with magnetic rigidity measurement. The user should provide resolutions of timing, position, energy detectors, input ion properties (Z,q,A,E), length of flight, and optical properties of dispersive plane where Brho-measurements take place. The PID resolution utility calculates final ID values and their errors, and provide information for partial contributions of measured components (time, energy loss, total kinetic energy, magnetic rigidity).

Fig.5. Printscreen of the PID resolution calculator (Click to zoom).