I. Richardson PHY/MSU

  • Development of LISE Ray Reader (beta-version completed) (01/22)

  • S. Watters PHY/MSU

  • ARIS extended configuration and calibration files (05/23)

  • LISE optical utilities benchmarks (01/23)

  • SpecTcl Filter Output (02/24)

  • D. Kaloyanov PHY/MSU

  • LISE package maintenance in github

  • LISE color palette update (completed) (05/23)

  • Isomer database update (2nd part. Completed) (07/23)

  • Migration of the LISE databases from DBF to SQLite (completed) (07/23)

  • LISE for Excel
    • Using DLLs created with Qt in MS Excel64 (1st part completed) (07/23)
    • Creation of libraries in the LISE package (in process)
  • LISE site statistics analysis (completed) (01/24)

  • SpecTk: Improvement and maintenance
    summary of updates: SpecTk 1.3.1 - 1.6.4
  • Development of the ARIS Beam dump utility (1st part completed) (05/24)

  • A.O. Tarasova CSE/MSU

  • Package benchmarks & optimization (profiler, memory check)
  • Adaptation of the LISE "new version" utility to SSL connection (completed) (04/23)

  • FRIB logo application using Qt Design studio (completed); presentation (03/24)

  • Creation of a LISE video tutorial based on the LISE2018 presentation
        "How to Make Rare Isotope Beams at Home (v.2)"
    (completed → youtube) (11/23)

  • Sound support for LISE code (completed). Audio example (11/23)

  • Update/Creation of LISE site pages (10/23):
  • Porting the LISEcute package to Android Operating System
  • Development of the ARIS Beam dump utility [3D-graphics] (in process)

  • A. Ray PHY/MSU

  • working on the PACE4 code [optimization] (learning)

  • L. Nguyen CSE/MSU

  • Qt: drag-drop of linked widgets (learning)

  • A. Elkin CSE/MSU

  • LISE site statistics analysis (1st part) (04/23)