The LISE++ Utilities Package contains five satellite programs implemented in the LISE++ framework. These programs have been ported from Borland to the Qt graphics framework. This is the first release in the LISE group's process of porting the entire LISE++ software suite to Qt.

Transportation from Borland to Qt is being done first and foremost to ensure longevity of the LISE++ program for future operating systems. Additional benefits include providing a 64-bit application, cross-platform compatibility, and the ability to take advantage of computational advances.

These programs were found under the "Utilities" tab in LISE++ and the new versions are now being distributed as a standalone package for the first stage of the transportation. For more information on each of these programs, explore the links below.

Programs in the Package

LISE++ Utilities Package in Action

Below is a screenshot of the LISE++ Utilities Package when the wrapper program is launched. Clicking on a button launches the associated program.

screenshot of utilities package